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If you’re passionate about needlework or cross-stitching, then you know the importance of securely mounting your fabric to a scroll frame. Scroll frames can make your work easier, more enjoyable, and provide better results. But one question that often comes up is whether you can use mounting tape on a scroll frame. In this blog post, we’ll explore that question in detail, weighing the pros and cons, and offering alternative methods for securing your fabric. Let’s get started!

What is a Scroll Frame?

A scroll frame is a tool used by needleworkers to hold fabric taut while they work on their projects. Unlike traditional hoops, scroll frames allow for the entire piece of fabric to be visible and accessible, making it easier to work on larger projects. They consist of two rods that hold the fabric and two side bars that keep the rods in place. Scroll frames are popular among cross-stitchers and embroiderers because they provide a stable working surface and help maintain even tension across the fabric.

Can Mounting Tape Be Used on a Scroll Frame?

The short answer is yes, mounting tape can be used on a scroll frame. However, there are several factors to consider before deciding if this method is right for you. Let’s take a closer look at the pros and cons of using mounting tape on a scroll frame.

Benefits of Using Mounting Tape

Ease of Use

One of the biggest advantages of using mounting tape is its ease of use. Applying the tape is quick and straightforward, making it an attractive option for those who want to save time. Simply cut the tape to the desired length, apply it to the scroll bars, and press the fabric onto the tape. It’s that simple!


Another benefit of using mounting tape is its adjustability. If you need to reposition your fabric, you can easily peel it off the tape and reapply it without any hassle. This flexibility allows you to make adjustments as needed without having to sew or staple the fabric in place.


Mounting tape is widely available and affordable, making it an accessible option for needleworkers of all levels. You can find it at most craft stores or online retailers, and it comes in various widths and strengths to suit your needs.

Drawbacks of Using Mounting Tape

Adhesive Strength

One potential drawback of using mounting tape is its adhesive strength. Over time, the adhesive may lose its hold, causing the fabric to become loose. This can be particularly problematic for larger projects that require consistent tension.

Fabric Damage

Another concern is the risk of adhesive residue damaging delicate fabrics. Some mounting tapes may leave behind a sticky residue that can be difficult to remove and may cause damage to the fabric fibers. It’s essential to choose a tape that is safe for use on fabric and to test it on a small area before applying it to your entire project.


Finally, the long-term durability of mounting tape is a consideration. While it may provide a temporary solution, the tape may not hold up well over time, especially if you’re working on a project that requires frequent adjustments. This could lead to frustration and the need to reapply the tape regularly.

Alternative Methods to Attach Fabric to a Scroll Frame

Twill Tape and Stapling

One popular alternative to mounting tape is attaching twill tape to the scroll bars using a heavy-duty stapler. Here’s a step-by-step process:

  1. Supplies:
  • Scroll bars
  • 1-inch twill tape (available on Amazon)
  • Heavy-duty stapler with extra staples
  1. Line up the scroll bar next to a straight edge and draw a line along the bar.
  2. Cut the twill tape to the length of the scroll bar, fold it in half, and staple it down the drawn line.
  3. Ensure the staples are flat and evenly spaced.
  4. Attach the fabric to the twill tape by whip-stitching it in place.

Sewing Fabric Directly

Another method is to sew the fabric directly to the scroll bars. This method provides a secure hold and maintains even tension across the fabric. Here’s how:

  1. Cut a piece of fabric slightly longer than the scroll bars.
  2. Whip-stitch the fabric to the scroll bars, ensuring even spacing between stitches.
  3. Roll the fabric onto the scroll bars, maintaining tension as you go.

Using Tension Clips

Tension clips are another option for securing fabric to a scroll frame. These clips provide a strong hold and are easy to adjust. Here’s how to use them:

  1. Gather supplies, including suspender clips and 3/4-inch twill tape (both available on Amazon).
  2. Sew the ends of the twill tape and add fray check for durability.
  3. Run the twill tape through the clip and sew it in place.
  4. Clip the fabric to the scroll bars, ensuring even tension.

Step-by-Step Guide to Using Mounting Tape on a Scroll Frame

If you decide to use mounting tape, here’s a step-by-step guide to help you get started:

Step 1: Gather Your Supplies

  • Mounting tape
  • Scroll frame
  • Fabric
  • Scissors

Step 2: Prepare the Scroll Frame

Clean the scroll bars to ensure proper adhesion. Remove any dust or debris that could interfere with the tape’s adhesive.

Step 3: Apply the Mounting Tape

Cut the mounting tape into strips that match the length of the scroll bars. Apply the tape to the scroll bars, ensuring it adheres evenly.

Step 4: Attach the Fabric

Align the fabric with the scroll bars and press it firmly onto the mounting tape. Ensure the fabric is taut and evenly secured.

Step 5: Adjust and Secure

Make any necessary adjustments to ensure the fabric is tight and secure. Smooth out any wrinkles or bubbles to maintain an even surface.

Common Mistakes to Avoid

Overusing Mounting Tape

Using too much mounting tape can make adjustments difficult and may cause the fabric to become bulky. Use just enough tape to secure the fabric without overdoing it.

Applying Tape Unevenly

Ensure the tape is applied evenly to avoid uneven tension on the fabric. This will help maintain a smooth working surface.

Selecting the Wrong Type of Mounting Tape

Choose a mounting tape designed for use on fabric to avoid adhesive residue and potential damage. Test the tape on a small area before applying it to your entire project.


In conclusion, while mounting tape can be used on a scroll frame, it’s essential to consider the pros and cons before deciding if it’s the right method for you.

Alternative methods, such as twill tape and stapling, sewing, and tension clips, offer additional options for securing your fabric. Choose the method that best suits your needs and preferences to ensure a smooth and enjoyable needleworking experience.

Feel free to share your experiences or ask any questions in the comments section below. Happy stitching!


How to Attach Fabric to a Scroll Frame?

There are several methods for attaching fabric to a scroll frame, including using mounting tape, sewing, and tension clips. Each method has its pros and cons, so choose the one that best suits your needs.

How to Use Scroll Rods for Cross Stitch?

Scroll rods are used to hold fabric taut while working on cross-stitch projects. They consist of two rods that hold the fabric and side bars that keep the rods in place. Simply attach the fabric to the rods and adjust the tension as needed.

Are Scroll Frames Good for Cross Stitch?

Yes, scroll frames are an excellent choice for cross-stitch projects. They provide a stable working surface and help maintain even tension across the fabric, resulting in cleaner, more precise stitches.

What is a Scroll Frame Used For?

Scroll frames are used in various types of needlework, including cross-stitching, embroidery, and tapestry. They hold the fabric taut, making it easier to work on detailed projects.
