Social media has taken a drastic turn in recent years. With the increase of smartphones usage of social media has also increased. According to a survey, more than 80% of the population of the Earth has access to social media. However, nowadays social media is not just about uploading pictures and videos and getting connected. People also use the platforms of social media for the marketing of their products or services. The most widely used social media for marketing is Instagram. With the use of Instagram Video Editor, you can make promotional videos of your products and services.

Instagram has witnessed an eruption of growth with more than a billion active users on its platform. Especially due to the pandemic since last year Instagram has flourished unexpectedly and since then there is no look back for the platform. Instagram serves the users by providing them privacy safety and a seamless experience.

Trends shaping the Instagram marketing

Instagram offers the individual and the brands many business tools. Some of the business trends of Instagram are as follows.

  • Focus on Instagram E-commerce tools

In the year 2020 Instagram became a digital storefront for creators and brands. By introducing the Instagram shop, the platform has smoothened the way of discovering shoppable products for the users and providing them the ability to browse shops and many other options. Not only this, there are numerous Instagram tools for eCommerce like Instagram checkout, Shopping from creators, shoppable posts, and many more.

The adverse effect of covid has kept many people struggling with their small-scale businesses, many stores are also being closed, so people are looking forward to the online business. According to Instagram, their goal is to empower a small-scale business owner to a globally famous brand owner and at the same time make a seamless shopping experience for the users.

  • User-generated content gets prominence

Instagram never shy away from accommodating new trends and monitors competition well. The app is proactive in ingratiating the popular trends in the space. After the launch of Reels, user-generated marketing content has gained more traction on Instagram. Starting from the “stories” and now the “Reels” have gained much popularity on Instagram.

  • Influencer marketing gets a boost

By 2022, influencer marketing will possibly become a 15-billion-dollar industry which simply means influencers are almost permanent on the platform. In the current year, influencer marketing has already seen a noticeable boost.

With the new eCommerce feature of Instagram, the influencers have already started to expand their networks and have started creating long-term collaboration with brands. One of the factors to consider while predicting the future of influencer marketing is the long-term effect of the Covid situation on the ad industry

  • Prediction

Instagram can witness competition from YouTube, Snapchat, etc., but with more than 25 million business users, billion active users, and revenue of 14 billion dollars the future of Instagram for marketing is quite bright. The primary reason for its bright feature is Instagram’s ability to predict users’ needs and prioritize their privacy and trust.

Instagram is one of the favorites of almost every sized business. Be it an individual or a small-scale business Instagram has helped them to grow their business. Instagram video editor has been the primary tool of the platform.
