How to Link The User Journey With The Right Kinds of Content?

Everyone is on a specific journey or at least this is something that current marketing wisdom suggests. It is normal to take customers as a model experience and that is important from initial alertness, to investigate decision making and consideration.

But for this, you need user maintenance with the conversion of users into advocates. In this theory, the sound is fine, but the point is that how can you inspire your customers through that journey that you provide them. That path is followed by the content marketing agency in Germany.

How content strategy is connected with the user journey?

Every phase in the user journey includes delivering some sort of good content. That can be started with the advertising or result through search engine at the awareness phase, product description, social media platform, and follow up through emails.

Every stage that links with the journey is distinct, and it means that content requires to be custom-made for specific uses. At every stage, content offers relevant facts and figures that connect with the users and quickly encourage them to carry on their journey. But what are the best way of the content you have, and when you have to use them for your user? Below here are some pointers to help you out.


Blogging is one of the favorite form of content that most people do this because it is best marketing routine. It is an ideal way to keep informed your loyal users, reveal new projects, interacts with the users. And you have to keep simple your writing skill so that users of every age can get this.

Generally, blogs function come in the first customer journey, create awareness through social media, and enhance SEO ranking as well. Therefore, search out the most appropriate keywords for every post. Besides, your content should be so relevant, shareable, and useful as possible as you can.

If you need some ideas, you must get some useful learning through industry experts who have already done in this field very well. So, check out the best bloggers how they are activating in this field, and you must follow them on regular basis. Besides, guest posting in Germany is an ideal way to fill your blog with valuable content.


Video is the most effective tool to catch out those users who have a busy schedule. Besides, it plays the best role in the marketing strategies of social media. Furthermore, video is the best way to provide awareness but it is not suitable in the initial phase of the customer journey.

Landing pages can easily catch users with the help of video content and assist them to move into the consideration of phase of the customer journey. Videos enhance the amount of time spent on the websites. This is a really priceless engagement level, and you just tempt the user to convert and that’s all.

Generally speaking, videos have a direct impact on conversion rate due to simple reasons. Because people want to see the proof of that the products are buying working properly or not. Without proof, they can go elsewhere.

Social media

Social media is crucial in the latest marketers, and it is an important aspect of the customer journey. But the posts of social media don’t affect in the same way as blogs. They perform at every stage of the journey from awareness to promotion.

Good marketing content for social media will increase awareness among those people who still are not engaged with your products and services. It will help the prevailing users by keeping informed and customer service support as well. Besides, it can allow the users to become an ambassador of your brand and share your services far and wide.

Social media content is divided into two categories increase awareness and user withholding. But these two categories have different kinds of audiences. Hence both have role models together. Keep remember when users want to promote your brand or product, the ideal content should be increase awareness stuff. Whether they are in the form of blogs, explainer videos, or memes, etc.

E-book and Newsletters

To increase further the customer journey in-depth form, such kind of content come. This is the stage when a user has adapted to you, e-books and newsletters are an excellent way to raise long-term connections with your brand. If you provide well-produced, timely, and relevant content, you will notice that the rates of holding users are raising high.

It is a good idea to provide e-book during or before buying phase. And definitely, it is a good idea to raise their spirit for newsletter signup with some wonderful discount deal or free bonus, etc.

Anyhow, whatever the option you choose for yourself, make sure you are not compromising on the quality of content. You will get high rewards, but on the other hand, the poor written e-books can easily turn off your customers. So, don’t take the risk to ruin your users and maintain high quality.
