Photo by from Pexels

10 years after its launch, Instagram has undoubtedly become the most used social network. Every year new functions are added to the initial idea of ​​sharing videos and photos, such as live broadcasts, IGTV, filters for stories and publications and many others that have contributed to the number of active users on Instagram continuing to increase.

When a platform achieves a global reach, it is normal for users to worry about privacy and the people who can see their content that is why Instagram offers its users the possibility of making their account private if they wish.

For content generators, bloggers, influencers and perhaps accounts of brands and celebrities this is not usually so common, since their intention is to make their publications reach more and more people, even going so far as to buy real followers on Instagram to achieve it. And this is perfectly valid, as long as we use a reliable service that offers real followers like the ones we offer you at

When creating an Instagram account, it will be public by default, which means that more people will be able to see the content of that account. If you have created an Instagram account and you want to limit the number of people who can see your content, you must make it private manually.

Now, if we talk about the publications that we can see, obviously we will not have any problem doing it with a public account. However, if we want to see the publications of a private account it will be more complicated unless we follow it.

There are many reasons why someone would want to see the posts from a private account: A mother who wants to take a look at her child’s activities, maybe someone wants to know a little more about an employee before hiring him in her business or many times because just curiosity. Regardless of the reason, surely you have come across a private account and have thought how great it would be if there was a tool to view their publications.

And that’s what this article is about. Here we will explain some ways in which you can view the publications of a private Instagram account.

First: How is a private account different from a public one?

As we mentioned a few lines ago: The publications of a public account will not only be visible to all users, regardless of whether they follow the account or not, but they will also be able to give likes, share it with other accounts by DM and even leave a comment .

Additionally, public accounts will also appear in search engines when entering the username in question. It is because of these characteristics that business, influencer and celebrity accounts are usually kept public, to increase the reach of their publications and reach as many people as possible.

For their part, private Instagram accounts limit the ability to view and interact with their content only to their followers. To do so, you must enter your account settings within the mobile application. Once you’ve made your account private, people will have to send you a request to view your videos or photos and interact with your content. Many times Instagram users do this to have full control over the people who can interact with their content, giving the ability to do so only to those whose request they have accepted.

Now, how do I see a private Instagram profile?

Although the content of a private Instagram profile is quite limited for non-followers, there are some things you can do to try to see it.

Google the username

It may seem a bit obvious to you, but they can work. The first thing you can do to see the posts of a private profile is Google the username. By doing so, you may get some footprints from the account you want to see and even some posts where it is mentioned or tagged. You may also find some photos on other websites, especially if the account was public for some time.

At the very least, you may find the profile photo or their profile on social networks such as Face book or Twitter where you can easily find the information you is looking for.

Dare to send a request

Perhaps this is the best alternative, since it is very likely that the person accepts you and you can see their publications without having to resort to any additional method. Your chances of accepting your follow-up request are increased if you already know this person.

If you’ve already submitted the request and the person haven’t accepted it, there are still a couple of tricks you can try.

  • Try again in a while. Many people with private Instagram accounts have little activity or may not check requests as often. Resubmitting the request after some time will increase the chance that they will see you and accept it.
  • Send a direct message. Similarly, if it’s been a few days since you submitted the request and they haven’t accepted you, you may be able to send a direct message to start a conversation. Many people are quite careful with whom they can see their content; perhaps a friendly message will help you gain their trust to be among their followers.
  • Remind her of where you know her from. It is common that we come across a private profile of a former colleague from college or work. If so, send him a message greeting him and reminding him where you know him from. This will help you break the ice and get your follow-up request accepted.

Create an additional account

If you tried the above and it did not work or if you prefer to act incognito this may be an alternative for you. Although we must warn you that this method may not be the most ethical and that it can cause problems if you are discovered. So be careful.

Creating an additional account can help you sneak into the followers of a private account, but you need to make it look real. Regularly female accounts are accepted more frequently, but this will depend on the private profile you want to see. Choose a username that looks real and a relatively common name.

After this it is a good idea to make some publications. Get inspired by the content of other influencers with accounts similar to the one you are creating, follow several real profiles and interact with them, in this way they will interact back with your account and make it seem more real. After building a profile of this type, it is time to send the request and wait for them to accept you.

If you tried this and they didn’t accept you, it’s time to be direct. Send him a direct message to start a friendly conversation. Whether you talk about common interests or anything that helps you earn their trust so that they not only accept you, but follow you back.

Use an Instagram display tool

If none of the previous tips has worked for you and you still want to see the publications of that private account, you have this last alternative.

There are sites and applications outside of Instagram that offer the possibility of viewing publications from private accounts, but you must be careful since many of these sites are not 100% reliable and even using them can put the security of your account at risk. Normally the sites that offer this service request access to your account and many of these are not free, so you will have to provide your credit card information or another payment method.

In addition, you should also take into account that Instagram has established clear policies regarding the access that third parties have to user information, so it is advisable to think carefully before using any of these sites.

Some of the sites that provide this service are:

  • PrivateInsta
  • InstaSpy
  • InstaLooker
  • InstaRipper
  • Instagram Private Profile Viewer


The conditions of each social platform are different, as are the functions they have to limit the content as preferred by each of its users. Instagram does not escape this. While many insurance users will have no problem with other people viewing and interacting with their content, many others may prefer to avoid this exposure and be more careful about their privacy.

And just as there are programs and software’s for anything, there are tools and methods that help us see the publications of a private account, however, we must be aware that this can often put the security of our own information at risk, since those sites of this type usually require us to authorize your access to our account. And there are all kinds of sites that offer different services for social networks that may not be as safe or good as they promise, so we must take the time to review very well before giving access to our account in any of these.

One of the advantages we offer to customers who buy likes or followers with us, in addition to being able to buy cheap Instagram followers, are that they can do so without compromising their security.
