After reading the title, your first question must be “what is off-page SEO?”.

SEO stands for Search Engine Optimization, something you must already be aware of. Off-page SEO merely means that it’s taking place outside of your website and has the potential to affect your search engine rankings positively.

You must have seen influencers or YouTubers promoting a product in their videos, blogs, or stories; or you might have seen businessmen giving guest lectures- these are all off-page SEO tactics. What we are here for is to guide you towards the best way to optimize your options and use the finest techniques, 10 of which are mentioned below-

  1. Brand Mentions– they can play an important role in alerting search engines that people are talking about you. You should work towards providing useful solutions and responses to the ones who have mentioned your brand, asking a question; you should also show your gratitude to the ones who have complimented your brand or your products. This builds a certain level of trust amongst the users.
  2. Forums– search for forum discussions that are related to the product or service you sell and participate in them! Make sure to complete your profile before joining a discussion so that your logo (set as your display picture) shows up whenever you comment, thus, leaving a long-lasting impression. Build a relationship with that community, solve problems and have them have faith in you.
  3. The Influencing Culture– reach out to influencers that match your set of values and request them to provide their insight on your products/services via a blog, video, e-mail, etc. It’s easy for them to reach potential customers and people love to know what they think!
  4. Guest Author– go to google and search for keywords like ‘guest blogging’, ‘write for us’, ‘contribute’, and so on; then choose a blog that you wish to write for and then type away!
  5. Broken Link Building– this is a very interesting strategy. To make this work, you have to find broken links and then contact the owner of the resource that has the broken link. The broken link could be one of your own pages that you would then provide the update to, or it could be a competitor’s link that you would then offer to replace with one of your links to similar content. This will help in reducing the number of redirects and ‘error 404’s which would result in a better user experience.
  6. Social Networking– people spend more time surfing social networking platforms now than they did before. A good off-page SEO strategy is to engage and leverage your social network to increase the reach of your content. If you have good quality content backed up with verified statistics then it can get shared across networks, gaining a wider audience.
  7. Social Bookmarking– it is a way for people to store, organize, search and manage “bookmarks” of web pages. Users can also comment or vote on bookmarked items.
  8. Content Marketing– every social media platform has its preferred type of content. Instagram is more popular for photos, YouTube for videos, Twitter and Facebook for expressing your views, and so on. Personalize your content to get a refined audience.
  9. Questions and Answers Session– Writing good content and giving it to the right platform can be a game changer in building authority on different Q&A websites like Stack Overflow, Quora, and Yahoo Answers. Pick a high-authority and relevant platform, search for your niche and related questions, and answer them in a way that adds value to the question.
  10. Newsletters– it is a cost-effective solution to interact with the audience. First, keep your newsletters short, relevant and to-the-point. Second, send them according to the local time of your audience. Lastly, the design should be eye-catching but not too complicated.

Off-site optimization is just as important as on-site, and hopefully this article has been helpful to you. Don’t forget, there are still many ways that are left unexplored by you, and you may find that to be your niche. Have faith and carry on!
