When you’re applying for a job, your resume is the most important tool at your disposal. A well-written resume can make an excellent first impression on any potential employer and makes it even easier to apply for a job online.

Every resume includes basics like education, skills, and contact information. The real part where you can wow employers is in your job experience section. If you frame your career experience the right way, you’ll look like a stellar potential hire.

Even though the job experience section is one of the most important parts of a resume, far too many people make the same mistakes when they write theirs. We’re going to highlight 3 awesome tips that can help ensure that your experience gets the attention it needs on your resume.

1. Focus on Accomplishments 

Want to know a surefire way to get your resume fast-tracked to the rejection pile? Make a bulleted list of every duty you had at a previous job under your experience section.

That last sentence may have confused a lot of readers since that’s how most people structure their resumes. Trust us, you won’t be surprising or wowing anyone in HR by saying that you managed people in your people manager position. Any resume builder online program you use will mention highlighting accomplishments as a writing tip.

When you’re thinking about your job experience, don’t think about your basic duties. Focus this section on what you accomplished at the job.

Mention that you came up with an entirely new data sorting system that’s still in use at your old job. Highlight that you managed to bring in 20% more leads during your first year at the office. These kinds of accomplishments give employers an idea of everything you can do for them if you’re hired.

2. Quantify When Possible 

Numbers are an excellent single source of truth in life. The more numbers you’re able to attach to your achievements, the better your job experience will look.

Numbers help make things more memorable. They can also help set reasonable expectations around your skills and what you can accomplish.

Don’t say that you oversaw the expansion of the development team. Mention that you oversaw the hiring of 7 junior developers over a quarter. Instead of saying that you increased site traffic, mention that it went up 35%.

3. Keep Things Concise 

In the past, when people may have only had a few jobs under their belt, resume length wasn’t something people thought much about. Now that it’s common to switch jobs every 1-2 years for more growth and experience, you may find that your job experience section is a bit longer than what you’d like.

You want your resume to be as scannable as possible. HR reps and other people in the hiring process have a lot of resumes to sort through, so you’ll want to grab their attention fast. Listing every single thing you’ve done can make your resume too long, and people could miss something important.

Consider picking your top 3-5 accomplishments to highlight. Keep things short to bullet points and 1-2 sentences.

Get Hired Today

When you highlight your job experience the right way, you’re showing employers everything you bring to a company. When you focus on being brief, tying achievements to numbers, and focusing on what you’ve done, you’re on your way to having an excellent resume.

Are you hungry for more job-seeking tips? Reach out to us today so we can talk about the best ways to handle the job search.
