Photo by Ketut Subiyanto from Pexels

In 2016, census data showed that 18% of parents in the U.S. did not work outside the home, and that percentage has only gone up. If you’re a stay-at-home parent, your work options are temporarily limited by your family responsibilities. You may have gotten well-meaning advice from others in the way of job opportunities such as starting an online shop, selling goods and services, or beginning any number of other e-commerce ventures.

Some people thrive on this type of work, while others prefer to look for flexible jobs or start businesses that they can run from their home offices. Check out seven small business ideas for parents hoping to work from home, presented to you below by

1. Offering Pet Care or Grooming Appointments

If you love pets, have grooming skills, and enjoy the outdoors, this option may work well for you. Take referrals from friends and post your information on neighborhood apps and forums to get started.

2. Starting a Home Daycare

Home daycares require more forethought and planning than pet care. You should make sure to have a license and follow other appropriate Florida laws before opening a daycare. You may need to take courses and complete additional local licensing requirements in addition to paying close attention to the activities and nutrition you are providing for your small charges.

3. Tutoring

Elementary and secondary school teachers, as well as those with advanced degrees in specific subjects such as English, math, or history, may find success in beginning a tutoring business. Ask for referrals from friends, your child’s teacher, and even your pediatrician.

4. Teaching English Online

If you don’t mind getting up at dawn (or staying up very late), there are opportunities for assisting students around the world in learning English. These kids and adults may be located in China, India, or Korea, depending on the company you choose to work for.

5. Virtual Assisting

Virtual assisting isn’t for everyone, but if you are highly organized and proficient and can meet deadlines, you may enjoy this type of work. Start your own virtual assisting business by creating a website that outlines your services offered and figure out how to pitch yourself to potential clients.

6. Writing

If you’re a good writer, you can start a home-based business as a freelance web copywriter, ghostwriter, or editor. You may wish to design a website around a niche topic — perhaps you excel in writing about business or legal topics — and cold-pitching to potential clients.

7. Providing Therapeutic Services

Those with a degree in a specialized field such as physical therapy, speech therapy, or counseling may see clients either virtually or in their homes. Make sure to follow local laws regarding seeing clients in a home office or treating telehealth clients in another state before you book your first appointment.

Other ideas include translation services, paralegal work, or photography.

To get your business off the ground, complete additional steps such as finding funding, marketing your business, and creating a designated workspace at home. Before you start, choose a structure such as a limited liability company and register it with the state of Florida. By forming an LLC online with a formation service, you can save on lawyer fees and take advantage of tax breaks and less paperwork. Lastly, make sure you have cyber security data protection in place if you intend to do business online. Hackers and cyber criminals tend to target small businesses, so ensuring your and your customer’s data is of utmost importance.

Starting a home-based business isn’t right for everyone, but if you’re a stay-at-home parent who wishes to take on an additional role and earn extra income, you may find your footing here. Use these tips to get started and speak to others who have found success in a similar position as well.
