7 Businesses to Start With Little Investment

In general, we believe that it is essential to have a lot of money to invest in starting businesses with little investment, but it is not like that.

You can create your own business with little investment, even knowing that, as in any goal we set ourselves in life, there will always be obstacles to overcome, including the lack of financial solvency.

This article will show you seven businesses to start with little investment, all with very good growth possibilities and a high-profit margin.

Necessarily, in the course of the process, a change in habits and lifestyle is required.

Some businesses can be started with very little money. Below we list nine business ideas to start with little investment that will be the first steps to create your own profitable business as you grow.

What’s more, depending on the idea you want to start with, you can start your own business from home with very good growth possibilities.



In today’s world, the internet and social networks predominate, which allow us to communicate with any part of the world and carry out all kinds of business and transactions.

Advertising is another of the alternatives that technology offers us. It is enough to know how to write pages that attract attention and are of interest to the public we need.

This writing is the easiest thing to do when starting the Internet business, since there is a whole range of possibilities to earn money, from doing work for others such as web pages, blogs, Post, articles, etc., even posting on our sites to receive sales or advertising commissions.

Suppose you have these qualities, such as ease of expression, good writing, curiosity to learn, patience to seek opportunities. In that case, this is a great profitable business idea that you can start with little money.


To start this business, all you must have is an excellent physical condition, take care of your health and organize an exercise plan, according to the sport you have practiced, to guide and motivate your clients in this matter.

The idea of ​​being an instructor or coach is excellent because, in today’s world, an excellent physical appearance and a healthy appearance is required.

Here you only have to have a place (park or large room if you have it) or make home visits; therefore, you do not require any investment.


Many people have dogs because they love them. Still, due to their occupations or poor health, they cannot fully dedicate themselves to them, such as taking them out for a walk or caring for them when they have to be absent from home for any reason; then, since they love them, they are willing to pay someone who is responsible and who takes care of them or walks, as the case may be.

This is an opportunity to start a business, because if the first steps are to take care of and walk the dog, in the future, already having many satisfied customers, this business can be expanded towards the sale of food products or accessories that these and other animals, like cats, they need.

This business is simple, but it is very important to have a good time plan available and a lot of love. There will always be unique recommendations about some pets, and it is necessary to understand and accept them.

On the other hand, there is never enough to know the service we are offering, so it is good to search online for information about dogs, such as their customs and manifestations according to the breeds.

Investment? Only your qualities and your good disposition.


Currently, most mothers work and, by force majeure, must delegate their children’s care to a third party.

Since children are the most precious treasures, parents are willing to hire people to care for them, especially the little ones.

Suppose you have the knowledge to take care of children and you like them. In that case, it is your opportunity to start this business that always offers the possibility of growth and continually improving profits, depending on your skills, responsibility, patience, love, and care.

The first steps of this business with little investment will be to take care of a few, later becoming a Nursery or even a College in the future.


Dishes that are bear the stamp of whoever makes them are highly desired, as they are unique in taste and presentation.

If you have kitchen facilities, you can specialize in desserts, sandwiches, some types of bread or cakes, and perhaps even some soups that are not easily found in restaurants.

Depending on your skills and facilities, you can also cook for few people who come to your house, who do not like, due to time, distance or environment, to go to restaurants or other public places.

Food is a profitable business because it is something that will always be needed.

RELAXATION AND REST MASSAGES AT YOUR HOME. There are great possibilities for profitability for this service because we are in a time of anxiety and competition, which are the cause of stress.

People need rest, and nothing better for this than a good physical massage.

Suppose you have a masseur’s temperament, with very soft but firm hands, and of course, with the knowledge of how to perform the massage. In that case, it is your opportunity to earn money and prosper in your business because this service is highly sought after and compensated.

It is a business of continuous growth because it only starts with a stretcher, and later on, it can complement with beauty or natural medicine items. All of this is highly desired by those who like to take care of their body and be well cared for to feel renewed and continue with your daily life.


Cleanliness and order are needs that we all have because the well-being depends on them, both psychological and health, not only individual but our environment can also affect others. Also, the state of hygiene and order of our homes are our seal before society.

There are people who, due to their occupations or health, cannot take care of this aspect of their house, their home, or their workplaces such as offices, workshops, warehouses, warehouses, etc., and resort to the service of others who, with They gladly perform these tasks, with responsibility, honesty, and professionalism.

This type of work becomes a profitable business when whoever does it does it with love and a very good disposition, complying with the established schedules and agreements, because a satisfied client pays very well to those who become indispensable and attract more clients and, There will come a time when it will be necessary to organize the Cleaning and Similar Services Company.


As there are many alternatives to start without money or with very little, you need to be creative and find a way to employ yourself doing what you like the most.

If you consider that you do not know any field, you can always learn the art and exploit it, so if this is your case, I recommend that you start by learning something new.

On the internet we have many possibilities to train for free for almost any business on any subject that is of our interest. So it would be Excellent if you had the desire and the will to do it. 

I hope that the businesses to start with little investment that we mentioned have been very useful and inspire you to start undertaking.
