Brandon Carter, also known as (Brandon Carter FX in the trading industry), was born and reared in Los Angeles, California, and relocated to Florida shortly after graduating from high school. He’s been aggressively pursuing his ambition of being a well-known singer/rapper since middle school. R&B singing was his first love. Until his passion for rap compelled him to give it a shot and add it to his repertoire of skills.

Brandon Carter, also known as “Mr Golden Ratio” and on Instagram as @BrandonCarterFX, has swiftly established himself as one of the finest traders in the industry. One of the few in the business that routinely uploads “before & after” trades predicting market changes hours, days, and even weeks in advance… 80, 150, and 200 pip moves that play out precisely as anticipated. is on its way to becoming the world’s most lucrative signal provider.

The BCFX Forex Education is a crash course in how to day trade effectively using volatility formulae and international equities and currencies. Forex Trading, for those who are new, is the decentralized over-the-counter trading of foreign currencies and assets. Anyone with a functional computer and an internet connection can trade forex, but it is extremely tough to be successful.

Day trading entails risking your own money based on a worldwide market analysis, and many newcomers lose money at first, accusing the system of being rigged. Brandon Carter designed this course to demonstrate how anybody can become a great day trader by exercising patience and following a tried-and-true method. BCFX Trading cuts through the hype and marketing surrounding day trading and teaches students how to position themselves to start protecting their financial future right away. This course may be for you if you want to learn how to day trade and avoid paying thousands of dollars to a brokerage every year to handle your money.

His first kid was born in 2014, and in the months leading up to her arrival, he realized he needed to get his finances in order. He realized that being a “struggling artist” who was barely scraping by wasn’t going to cut it, so he got his real estate license and practiced real estate in Florida for a while until he discovered trading the financial markets and fell in love with it with the same fervor he had for his first love.. music.

With a second child on the way (a boy) and expected any day now, this singer/rapper turned day-trader has produced some remarkable and correct market forecasts as it pertains to price increasing or decreasing in the stock or foreign currency market. With countless testimonials of his students’ success in his Instagram highlights, he’s created a brand of educating hundreds of students over the years, teaching them precisely how to do what he does for a livelihood in the market through his website’s Online trading Course.

He still loves music, and when he has free time, he produces. His most recent endeavor was a song/video called “Buy Low, Sell High,” in which he mixed his love of trading with music. I have a feeling he isn’t done with the music world just yet. BCFX Signals is home of the BCFX Online Trading Course, where trading BEASTS are created.

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