Brian Main

There are about 5 billion people online right now—in other words, our lives have become digital, and so have businesses. Online advertising is a billion dollar industry and grew 12.2% even during a global pandemic in 2020.

Some have been quick to adapt to the change—you can even order delivery from McDonald’s online—but others have been slower to adopt new technologies. Many construction companies, for instance, overlook digital marketing tools. 

We spoke with Brian Hess, President and CEO of The Pavement Group and board member for marketing agency Lead Revenue, to understand the benefits of a digital marketing strategy.

1. It will offer customers a personalized experience

Today’s consumer expects personalization. What’s more is that customers are willing to pay more for a more personalized experience. By leveraging the targeting offered by most digital marketing platforms, you can offer your customers personalized advertisements. They’ll feel like you understand their needs and be willing to pay a premium for it. 

2. You’ll reach your target customers easier

You may already know what your ideal customer is like, but even if you don’t, digital marketing platforms can help you determine who they are and how to reach them. “Our social media presence has attracted customers across the country who we may never have worked with otherwise,” says Hess. The Pavement Group has performed work in 47 states over the past 3.5 years. 

Getting started is simple. Post regularly on social media and let the algorithm do the work for you. It will suggest your content to people who have related interests and find you new customers. 

3. It will build trust with your clients

Most people will do online research before making a purchase, so why not use this to your advantage? Use your online presence to show your customers what you do and share success stories from your existing clients. “Transparency is a core tenet of our business and sharing on social media has made it even easier,” says Hess, “Clients trust us and so working together is even easier.”

4. You can educate your customers

The difficult part about the construction industry is that customers may know nothing about it. “A lot of our clients will call us in for a small repair, and not realize their parking lot has several ADA violations.” Hess leverages blogs, podcasts, and social media to educate people on his industry and the importance of things like ADA compliance. As a result, customers learn about problems they didn’t know they had and come to The Pavement Group for help. Sharing your insider insight is mutually beneficial for you and your clients. 

5. It will grow your business

Combining the above strategies will inevitably result in growth. “We’ve experienced exponential growth since we opened our doors in 2018,” says Hess, “and I expect it to continue. By 2030, we’ll be operating in 12 more cities across the country.”

Learning how to leverage digital tools

Not only has Hess grown The Pavement Group through digital marketing, but his social media presence has interested other contractors and entrepreneurs. It led him to found Top Contractor School—which offers courses and coaching on digital marketing to contractors—and The Perspective Podcast where he shares his own success story. 

Also Read: Digital Marketing Job Description: Responsibilities and Skill Requirement

Simply put, digital marketing is a great idea and if you’ve been waiting for a sign—this is it.
