Caitlyn Jenner's

How much money does Caitlyn Jenner have?

From professional athlete to transgender icon and glamor woman – Caitlyn Jenner, formerly Bruce Jenner, has finally arrived in her life. In April 2015, the former decathlon Olympic champion Bruce Jenner made public that he would like to live as a woman from now on. As Bruce Jenner was known as a professional athlete and as the husband of Kris Jenner, father of Kylie Jenner and Kendall Jenner, and stepfather of Kim Kardashian, this news hit like a bomb. Caitlyn Jenner became known on TV through the reality show Keeping up with the Kardashians and the documentary I am Cait. The cherishedCaitlyn Jenner’s net worth is $ 85 million.

Call me Caitlyn

Caitlyn knew she was in the wrong body during her career as a professional athlete. She felt like a woman, wore bras under her sports outfits, and wanted nothing more than to be able to stand by her true self at award ceremonies. Instead, she distracted herself with enormous sporting achievements and won the gold medal in the decathlon in 1976 and set a world record. That and lucrative advertising contracts made the cash register ring well even then.

Caitlyn confided to her first wife that she preferred to live as a woman in private. Divorce, remarriage, and divorce followed until she underwent hormone therapy in the late 1980s. When she met Kris Jenner, she stopped treatment again. It was Caitlyn part of the popular Kardashian-Jenner clan and still as Bruce Jenner in more than 400 episodes of the reality show Keeping up with the Kardashians to see.

Keeping up with the Kardashians

From 2007 to 2016, she had a permanent role in the production, the documentary I am Cait was a spin-off of the reality format. She also made her transsexuality public to keep up with the Kardashians. In September 2020, it was announced that the series will now be discontinued after 20 seasons.

The documentary I am Cait accompanied Caitlyn Jenner for a year on her way to transforming from athlete to glamorous businesswoman. Caitlyn let a camera crew accompany her almost constantly and spoke openly about hormone therapy and surgery. She has spent around 60,000 euros on her facial operations alone.

Caitlyn Jenner, the transgender icon

Nothing is left to chance in the Jenner-Kardashian family that can be publicly marketed. So stepdaughter Kim Kardashian took care of Caitlyn’s outing in a media-effective manner. In 2015 it shone from the cover of Vanity Fair; every family member posted the picture on Instagram at the same time. What it was forgotten: Caitlyn’s name K to miss. So the name would have suited Kris, Kim, Kendall, Kylie & Co. even better. The article received a lot of comments and positive feedback. Even the Barack Obama White House congratulated Caitlyn on her outing.

The trans woman Caitlyn

While TV personality Caitlyn Jenner may not be representative of most transsexuals, she is taking advantage of her popularity. She draws attention to violence against transgender people and calls for equal treatment. Her rapidly increasing popularity brought her a deal with the Swedish fashion chain H&M in 2016, where she became the face of the sports collection for every victory.

In 2017 her memoir The secrets of my life appeared, which is also a settlement with the Jenner-Kardashian clan, above all ex-wife Kris Jenner, whom she describes as “ice cold.” Caitlyn Jenner was married three times, including 20 years to Kris Jenner, and has six children.

In 2017, she founded a foundation and trans model, Sophia Hutchins, to support the transgender community. Caitlyn Jenner vehemently denies rumors of a love affair with Sophia Hutchins.
