Horst Lichter

How much money does Horst Lichter have?

Horst Lichter is an all-rounder: as a cook, presenter, actor, and book author, he is known to many. He is successful and leads a great life – but on the way there, he also suffered many blows of fate. At the time, he and his wife lost a daughter to cot death when she was just 6 months old. At the age of 26, Horst Lichter suffered his first stroke. At 28, the second followed, along with a heart attack. Nevertheless, he successfully fought his way back to life and made his dreams come true. The estimated net worth of Horst Lichter is 4.5 million euros.

Remain, human or cook,

Horst Lichter, born on January 15th, 1962, in Nettesheim, had a dream job: a cook. After the end of the apprenticeship, however, the dream job had completely lost its magic, alcoholics and choleric surrounded it. He hung up his apron and worked in the coal mine from then on. It was followed by a wedding, a house building, and a child. When another child was born, Horst Lichter took a part-time job in the junkyard to make ends meet financially.

Overwork and lack of sleep took their toll; Lichter suffered two strokes and a heart attack at age 26 and 28, respectively, and spent a long time in a rehab clinic. At first, he was paralyzed on one side. When he recovered, he decided to change his life and devote himself to something that gave him joy: vintage cars and still cooking.

The Oldiethek opened in 1990

A former dance hall turned out to be a suitable object for Horst Lichter’s plans. Classic cars, motorcycles, and antiques have always been part of his passion. What he collected was exhibited in the oldie shop. With this, he combined his second passion, cooking. There were only small dishes, but Horst Lichter soon started cooking for his guests on a Flemish coal stove. The Oldiethek achieved cult status, and the waiting time for a table was a year.

When Horst Lichter was no longer able to cook regularly due to other obligations, the cult restaurant quickly went downhill just as quickly. His relationship with the second wife broke up, who had previously taken care of the bookkeeping. Now the popular chef discovered that he owed one million euros. His current and third wife, Nada, helped him out of this misery, who helped him out with her savings to pay off the debts. In 2010 the heart project of Horst Lichter closed its doors because he was only able to cook irregularly in the Oldiethek because of his other activities on television etc.

Horst Lichter and television

The first contact arose with the WDR when it published a report about the old shop. Soon, he was a regular guest in Johannes B. Kerner’s cooking show on Friday, and Lanz cooks on ZDF. In 2011 he acted as a vacation replacement for  Steffen Henssler on the show  Topfgeldjager on ZDF. From 2006 to 2017, he and his partner Johann Lafer hosted the program Lafer! Lights! Delicious! Horst Lichter successfully moderated even Germany’s largest BBQ Show. There were many other engagements in the television cooking world.

The love of antiques, kitsch, and junk is not neglected on television because Horst Lichter has been moderating bares for Rares since 2013. This show mediates between sellers and dealers of curiosities, treasures, rarities … His daily fee is up to 10,000 euros for cooking shows. There is also income from the sales of his ten books and his various products (Maggi bag soups, Vauen pipes, and tobacco). Also, Horst Lichter has an advertising contract with the Kaufland company and promotes their meat. With these sources of income, Lichter continues to expand its assets.
