Peter Szabo is a successful entrepreneur and founder of LEADEVO Inc., currently earning seven figures while still in his 20s. Despite his current success, things weren’t always easy. But, if anyone is living proof that it’s possible to go from rags to riches with consistency and passion, it’s him.

Growing up without much money, he always wanted better for himself and his parents. When he was only 11 years old, he watched his parents put their heart, soul, and every last dollar into a multi-level marketing scheme that left them broke and in debt. So, he decided to go online and use Google as a tool to discover ways to make money online, ultimately stumbling upon multiple sites like Fiverr and social media platforms, where he began selling services to make money.

It all started with earning pennies per day that led to $1 per day, which led to $10 per day, which eventually increased to $100 per day and more. He dropped out of school, traveled the world, and would subsequently go on to start his personal development company to help others build the lives they want to live. “I wanted to help people overcome poverty. I knew how it felt to have nothing while watching my parents deal with a limited income and debt from taking out loans. So, I developed the Source Hacker System designed to help people build the lives they love,” shared Peter Szabo. “I managed to grow the company to $1 million within a few years while helping hundreds of people change their lives for the better. Not only have I earned an incredible income, but I’ve also been able to make a difference in so many lives, which is important to me. I’ve helped more than 300 businesses generate close to $100 million in revenue using primarily Facebook advertisements.”

Making money was the initial goal because Szabo wanted to help his parents get out of debt and live comfortably. However, it’s since evolved into something with much more significant meaning and purpose, where he’s making an impact in the lives of people with dreams they’d like to pursue.

“With Source Hacker, we’re helping people learn how to move forward using Memory Flipping, despite any traumatic memories they might have holding them back and preventing them from performing to the best of their abilities,” shared Szabo. “While it all started with a Facebook advertising agency that made it possible for me to earn $1.2 million per year at just 19 years old, I quickly realized the importance of personal development while running a business and used that to create the Source Hacker System. Now, I’m working hard to help others while doing something I’m passionate about, which includes coaching others on what it takes to reach their goals.”

If someone would’ve told Peter Szabo that he’d be a successful entrepreneur at such an early age when he was only 11 and watching his parents struggle with their finances, he probably wouldn’t have believed it. However, his ambitious spirit and determination to do anything to help his parents got him to this incredible point in life.

Szabo’s Source Hacker System has over 2900 documented customer results at
