If you are looking for the procedure of how to clean your razor, this guide will prove best for you. A safety razor gives you great shaves. You want to make it as long-lasting as you can, then keep it clean. Regular cleaning will prevent or slow down the deterioration in metal and coating.

There are many levels of maintenance that you can do periodically. Depending on the water quality and your razor’s actual metallurgy, you can apply these cleaning routines at different levels. This guide is primarily for how to clean your razor properly?

What are the ways to clean a razor?

There are three ways to clean a razor:

  • Regular/routine maintenance
  • Weekly/monthly
  • Deep cleaning

You should do routine cleaning every time you use your razor. It is the easiest and fastest way to prevent cosmetic degradation.

It is better to do a more frequent cleaning, either weekly or monthly, depending on the mineral content of your water. It is designed to remove more surface stains and mineral buildup from the razor. Clean your razor carefully. 

Deep cleaning should be done every year or more frequently, depending on the mineral content. That will remove any gunk or grime that may have accumulated. It can also help to strengthen the metal.

How to clean your razor?

Here are the detailed steps for how to clean your razor:


After using the razor, it is time to do routine cleaning. You can do it with warm water, a quick rinse, and a towel. That will prevent mineral buildup and keep the razor’s surface lather residue away.

You can get more severe by washing the inside of your razor head after changing blades.


It’s worth it to clean your razor more often, depending on how mineral-rich the water is. If you have hard water, you should do this every week. If you have soft water, you can do it every month. Watch out for a white or powdery coating on the razor’s surface.

Your safety razor doesn’t require much effort to clean. You don’t need to spend much effort cleaning your safety razor if you keep it clean with our regular cleaning tips. Here are the things you should clean:

  • Soap
  • Water
  • Soft-bristled toothbrush
  • Soft rag (be sure to avoid paper towels as they can be abrasive).

You will need to take apart the safety razor and fill your sink with warm soapy water. You can clean each piece by dipping the rag into the soapy water. Use the toothbrush to reach hard-to-reach areas. Remember, soft bristles. You can use a cotton swab or even a toothpick to reach difficult areas.

Use this step to clean a shaving razor whether it is manual or electric.

After giving your razor a thorough bath:

  • Rinse it with warm, clean water.
  • Dry the razor with a towel.

Avoid abrasive cleaners, towels, or other products that might scratch the shiny finish.

Deep cleaning

It is common to soak the razor parts with diluted vinegar and water. Mix one part vinegar with four parts water, then soak the razor parts in this solution for ten minutes. Next, clean the razor with a rag or toothbrush.

You can add baking soda to make a paste if vinegar isn’t enough. Use your toothbrush to clean the razor with the paste.

Be careful when using vinegar on stainless-steel razors. It would be best if you diluted it. Vinegar is high concentrations can corrode stainless steel. It might be worth testing the vinegar on a small area of the razor. You might also try old toenail clippers.

After cleaning the razor, rinse it with warm water. Dry the razor thoroughly before putting it back together. Two- or three-piece razors require special attention. Use Vaseline, grease, or oil to lubricate the threads. Wrap the thread with Teflon tape. Teflon tape is available in hardware stores and departmental stores. Make sure to clean the threads first with a toothbrush and soapy water. One wrap of tape suffices.

Is it necessary to clean my razor daily?

Yes, if you wash your razor thoroughly after every use, this will keep your razor hygienic, durable, and long-lasting.

What should I use to clean my Metal razor?

A jewelry cleaner is excellent for cleaning razors, especially for metals. It would help if you looked for one with a power rating of 60 watts or more. 

You can also use a smaller cleaner, but it will require running the razor through multiple cleaning cycles. The blades of the razor work best after cleaning with jewelry cleaner.

Use warm (not hot) water. Use tepid (not hot!) water, preferably a fluid designed explicitly for cleaners. Use a dry towel to wipe the razor clean after the cleaning cycle.


This guide will help you to maintain the lifetime of your razor easily; clean razor. If you have an expensive or cheap razor, then this guide will prove best to keep both of these safe for use.
