How to Make a Successful Business Plan

When you have an idea that is believed to be safe and effective, it is vitally important to plan it before taking any action to buy, invest, or sell. Making a Business Plan is the key to determining in advance the possibility of carrying it out, the potential clients, the required administration, and that is inevitable to avoid losses and failures, what you need to invest in, and the appropriate place for your business.

The business plan has the advantage and gives you the tools to start your venture without fear and maintain reasonable control over it, offering you the possibility of improving, modifying, or expanding in the future.

Do some prestigious universities guide entrepreneurs by preparing some questions to lead them to discover the answers to specific questions, such as What is the mission of my business? What is the best business in which I could start? What do I need to get started?

These and many other questions can only be resolved with a good business plan that includes market segmentation, the conditions of the market to which you are aspiring, that is, the best and the worst conditions in that market.

On the other hand, you could not start if you do not know how much money to invest, how to know the percentage that should be applied to the products sold to make a profit, and how much is needed to keep it afloat the business begins to produce.

The business plan contains a lot of knowledge and answers to many questions, which the entrepreneur should know, for example, know the customers to determine their needs and how your product can meet those needs. This will be a determining factor in generating sales. “Without clients there are no sales and without sales there is no advantage.”

Another advantage that the Business Plan offers you is that it helps you find investors and obtain support from financial entities or individuals dedicated to this business. You can make improvements to your business idea at the beginning or in the course of its development.


Business plan step 1 – Know what the needs of your business are. This is the first step in creating a successful business plan. Knowing the needs or problems that your business will solve is, without a doubt, the primary purpose that your business should have. By satisfying the demands of your clients, you attract business success as a result.

Business Plan Step 2 – Clearly describe how your business can meet the needs of your potential customers. Make a list of the objectives and actions to be taken to cover the market you want. Keep in mind that other businesses are also working to satisfy the needs of the same market niche, so think about doing something additional or different from all of them that will help you stand out and make you indispensable for your potential clients.

Business plan step 3 – Your business can be unique among many. Taking into account the capital you will invest in your business, write a list that includes the advantages you can have over the competition and highlight them as strengths when starting. Likewise, write in detail the strengths and weaknesses that your competition will be of great help to you to know your advantages and disadvantages, reaffirming the positive and avoiding or solving the disadvantages, an attitude that will allow you to improve your business from the beginning.

Business plan step 4 – Detail in writing what are the vital parts of your business. What will be your work team, professionals, advisors, executives, or other employees you will require for the business. Evaluate each of them to know what areas they dominate. Thus, locating them correctly, their work and contribution will be particularly useful and beneficial for your business.

Business plan step 5 – Research the size of the market you want to enter. How broad is the market in which you want to work, how much it may be growing, and since when, and what are the potential economic benefits?

Business plan steps 6 – Who forms your market niche. All research, strategies, and business plans must be directed to your market niche; the rest would imply a waste of time, money, and effort.

Business plan step 7 – Analyze in detail your sources of income. Predicting income without knowing in detail the nature and movement of your sources can be detrimental since there is no constant in these areas.

Therefore you should always keep in mind:

Pricing structure




Business plan step 8 – Budget you need to get started. When we surprisingly fall short in calculating the investment, it is generally friends, family, and relatives who are willing to finance us.

If the above is not enough, we can go to bank loans, financial entities such as SMEs, or individuals who offer this type of service. But, it must be borne in mind that each one of them, or even investors who wish to join forces, want to see, before giving a financial answer, a solid business plan.

Business Plan Step 9 – Create a Balanced Plan. A balanced Plan means that it must contain both unfavorable and favorable scenarios. Because this will help you reaffirm and develop positive or advantageous points and eliminate or solve the disadvantages or disadvantages.

If possible, a month in advance and then periodically, review your Plan and improve it whenever necessary, at least until your business is two years old. It is seen that it is stabilized. From then on, it will be very easy to grow and become important in the market.

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