A modern financial company like iSwiss cannot miss the most important international events: this is why the Swiss deposit company decided to be a sponsor of the event celebrated in the incredible location of the Agora in Athens for the 25th anniversary of Fashion TV. A place of magical charm provided the setting for celebrations enriched by the presence of important guests.

The Fashion TV event, hosted by the owner of the live channel dedicated to high fashion, Michel Adams, was attended by politicians, film and television stars, and important representatives of the business world. It was an important occasion for iSwss, which was able to illustrate its range of innovative banking and financial services to a qualified audience.

Also enthusiastic about the event, iSwiss CEO Christopher Aleo, who received the Forbes Award for Financial Innovator of the Year for 2022, said: ‘The event organised by Fashion TV was absolutely incredible and we are proud that iSwiss participated as a sponsor.

In the future, the Swiss deposit bank plan to participate as a sponsor in other events like this one, like the one held at the Cannes Film Festival: “We have to say thank you to Michel Adams for the ability to organise an event of this magnitude in such an important location.”

The upward parabola of iSwiss, increasingly present on the international scene, shows how it is possible to innovate even in a difficult field such as finance. The ambitious goal is to apply the new concepts of the sharing economy also to instruments that were born to be used by large financial groups, such as securitization.

Not forgetting activity in the insurance and banking services sector: to increasingly broaden the range of people who can use these services for a new financial system based on simplicity and accessibility from anywhere in the world.

The growth of iSwiss also continues geographically: after Europe and the Middle East, the next frontier seems to be Africa, a country with great growth potential.
