Photo: Prince Williams/Wireimage

“Haven just fits into my shoes, but seems to find them rather uncool.”

Jessica Alba might be renowned for her effortless style – who could forget that enviable ensemble she sported during her Architectural Digest home tour? However, it appears her daughters, Haven and Honor, aren’t part of her fan club in the fashion department. The star recently revealed in a candid chat that her girls are quite the outspoken critics when it comes to her wardrobe, particularly taking issue with her “mom style” footwear.

“Haven has grown enough to slip into my shoes, but she’s not exactly a fan of them, to put it mildly,” Alba told People with a light-hearted laugh. Fifteen-year-old Haven doesn’t hold back her opinions, it seems. “Every now and then, Honor might snag a top or two, but that’s about it. Our fashion senses are quite distinct.”

At ten, Honor is certainly shaping her own fashion narrative, a journey which, Alba hopes, might lead her back to the rich collection awaiting in her mom’s closet. Alba couldn’t hide her mock indignation at her children’s teasing comments about her “mom attire”, a sentiment many mothers can undoubtedly resonate with.

“It’s like a little jab when they say I have a ‘mom’ style. I’m half-tempted to retort, ‘I could ground you for that, young lady!'” she joked. “And then they remind me, ‘But you ARE a mom,’ as if that justifies their cheekiness. It’s all in good fun, though. A bit uncalled for, but fun.”

Jessica Albas
Photo: Stephane Cardinale – Corbis/Corbis Via Getty Images

But don’t worry, it’s all in good spirits. Alba appreciates her daughters carving out their own style paths. She amusingly mentioned that they seem to take a peculiar joy in rejecting her style suggestions outright, adamant that they would never adorn themselves with such choices.

“They’re at this phase where they are enjoying defining their own fashion boundaries, separate from mine,” Alba commented with a smile. “I keep reassuring them, ‘Trust me, I’ve got a keen eye for fashion. You’ll come around one day.'”

Apart from fashion quips, Alba described the parenting journey as a reciprocal learning experience, enriched with daily exchanges of insights and lessons with her children.

“It’s this wonderful dance of learning and teaching every day,” she reflected. “A nurturing space where we learn from each other constantly. It’s a beautiful exchange.” Alba also shared a nugget of wisdom for parents everywhere, emphasizing the essence of nurturing a loving, supportive relationship with their children, a bond that thrives on unconditional love and mutual respect.
