Photo: Jack Kowalski

In a landmark case, Johns Hopkins Children’s Hospital faces a substantial verdict for the tragic loss of Beata Kowalski.

A Florida jury has delivered a pivotal decision against Johns Hopkins Children’s Hospital, finding it liable for the wrongful death of Beata Kowalski, whose story reached audiences worldwide through the Netflix documentary ‘Take Care of Maya’. The legal proceedings, which were live-streamed by CourtTV, resulted in the hospital being held accountable for a multitude of claims, including wrongful death, emotional distress, false imprisonment, battery, and fraudulent billing, as per reports from WFTS and WTSP.

The Kowalski family’s heartrending narrative detailed the hospital’s alleged involvement in separating Beata from her daughter Maya, a separation that they contended played a significant role in Beata’s subsequent death by suicide.

Maya, diagnosed in her youth with Complex Regional Pain Syndrome (CRPS), was admitted to the hospital in 2016 for severe stomach pain. It was there that her mother’s advocacy for ketamine treatment—based on past positive outcomes—led to accusations of Munchausen syndrome by proxy against Beata, according to PEOPLE. Although later cleared through psychological evaluation, the accusation had already set in motion events that led to Maya being placed in state custody for an extended period.

The separation from Maya proved too much for Beata, who, enduring over two months apart from her daughter, took her own life at the age of 43. Her heart-wrenching email, found posthumously, expressed her unbearable pain and sense of helplessness in the face of her daughter’s suffering.

Johns Hopkins Childrens
Photo: Jack Kowalski/Netflix

Greg Anderson, the family’s attorney, argued that the hospital’s actions eroded Beata’s maternal instincts to a breaking point, ultimately leading to her suicide.

The emotional weight of the case was palpable as the verdict was announced, leaving 17-year-old Maya visibly moved by the jury’s recognition of the ordeal she and her family endured.

In response to the verdict, Howard Hunter, representing Johns Hopkins All Children’s Hospital, stated to PEOPLE that the hospital had adhered to mandatory reporting laws in Florida regarding suspected child abuse. He affirmed the hospital’s commitment to protecting children and upheld the professional care provided to Maya by the hospital staff. Hunter emphasized that despite the verdict, the hospital remains steadfast in its defense and the legal and moral duty to report any suspicions of child abuse.

The judgment, exceeding $211 million, as reported by The Tampa Bay Times, marks a significant moment in the intersection of healthcare, legal obligations, and the profound impact of medical and bureaucratic decisions on family integrity.
