Ryan Dorsey, known for his role in the TV series “Big Sky,” has opened up about the challenges of raising his son, Josey, after the tragic death of his ex-wife, Naya Rivera. In a recent interview with E! News, Dorsey spoke candidly about how he and his son have been coping with the loss and how difficult it can be to navigate conversations about Naya’s death.

Navigating Tough Conversations

According to Dorsey, his seven-year-old son has had to “navigate” conversations about his mother’s death in his daily life. “It’s always a reminder of the obvious. Something that’s never going to change is what happened and him having to deal with it daily,” said Dorsey. As Josey grows up and reaches important milestones, such as talking about his mom at school, he faces unique challenges that other kids his age may not understand.

Dealing with Grief

Dorsey also spoke about the difficulty of dealing with his own grief and helping his son through his. “Some days are harder than others,” he admitted. “It’s hard for me when Josey will say certain things and if he misses his mom … or he’ll bring up certain moments that obviously he’ll never forget from the worst day of his life.”

Dorsey explained that when his son brings up memories of his mom or asks questions about her death, there’s not much he can say except, “I know buddy, and I love you.” He added that he tries to provide comfort by giving his son a hug or rubbing his head, because sometimes, that’s all he can do.

Looking to the Future

Despite the challenges, Dorsey is trying to focus on the positive things in his and Josey’s lives. For example, he shared that Josey has expressed an interest in becoming a stand-up comedian and even performed a little stand-up act at his first talent show. Dorsey also revealed that his son is interested in watching some of Naya’s shows and wants to start a YouTube channel of his own.


It’s clear that Ryan Dorsey and his son Josey are still struggling with the loss of Naya Rivera. However, they are doing their best to navigate difficult conversations and find joy in their lives. Ryan’s openness and honesty about his experiences are a reminder that grief is a journey, and everyone copes with it in their own way.
