The process of getting published is a daunting one. From developing an idea into a book to getting published and selling your work, it can be hard to determine what to tackle first in this industry. JB Owen has made it her mission to assist writers on their journey from start to finish.

The main goal that JB Owen set out to accomplish when launching Ignite Publishing in 2018 was publishing meaningful “ignite” stories and easing the burden on authors to make that happen. She knows that an author can’t know everything about the publishing world. New authors need a company that believes in them and will guide them through the process of getting their work seen. JB knows the writing process is a deeply personal one and clients should have their work honored and respected. Making knee-jerk edits and decisions that compromise the writer’s work needs to be a thing of the past. Getting a book published requires knowledge about more than just writing and editing. One can’t be expected to know about manufacturing, producing, marketing, shipping, and launching their own books on top of content creation. So JB created a safe space for writers to bring their ideas and let someone else handle the hard parts of the process for them. Ignite Publishing has simplified the publishing process, improved the writing experience, and shown authors how to grow their brand

Background – With knowledge comes a better understanding of how publishing works. JB Owen has created a one-of-a-kind publishing house that not only turns writers into successful authors but also educates them on how to work for themselves. Serving as more than a publishing house, Ignite trains, empowers, and supports authors in the goals they’ve set for themselves in their work and personal lives. Giving them the tools to succeed is what makes this company different from its competitors. JB knows that the root of success is someone’s mindset, which is more than words on a page. For this reason, she’s created a community within her company full of like-minded people. They provide writers with a four-month writing process, which includes one-on-one editing, author training, and business branding. Ignite has created a space for writers to learn and grow their business by using the publishing company as an ally. JB wants to teach people the business of being an author and show them how to build a brand for themselves by showcasing their unique message. ……Every challenge is solvable and can be overcome, so it isn’t really a challenge, but rather a system, a process, a learning, or a new skill set that needs to be obtained. She believes that message is a personal one that has to come from inside them to be authentic. Combining ideas with hard work is the secret formula.

“Anything worth anything is worth working for,” JB says. “See yourself already completing the goal and visualize who you need to be to get there.”

We show them the entire publishing process to empower them and fill them with personal and professional tools they can use to holistically grow themselves. When they do that, they form companies and products with the foundation of a winning experience for everyone. To learn more about how JB Owen is making the publishing world easier for authors to navigate, find her on social media here. 
