Photo by Marcus Aurelius from Pexels

Disability can be an issue in a business. For anyone with a disability, there are still plenty of business opportunities. Over four million Australians or one in five persons have some sort of disability.

It’s important to ensure that organizations welcome those who have a disability. Everything must be easily accessible, not just because it’s the right thing to do, but also because it’s simply good business sense.

It can be challenging at best to find qualified employees in today’s job market. Instead of leaving positions unfilled, many owners have begun to expand the hiring pool by including those persons with disabilities. Additionally, they are discovering many benefits to having hired persons with disabilities.

Attract And Retain Talent

When making processes they must ensure that the workplace is free of barriers for those persons with disabilities. It’s important to ensure that all of their potential employees have the relevant skills and qualifications as well as the experience to be hired and do quality work. Diversity not only attracts but also helps to retain the potential talent pool. Those who are retained will find that the workplace is far more likely to be engaged as well as productive and motivated. Such employees will remain with the business far longer.

It’s worthy of note to note that over 16% of persons with a disability have earned at least their bachelor’s degree. Many of them aren’t able to locate steady work due to prejudices or misunderstandings due to their ability to contribute in the workplace. When persons with a disability are hired, the business is helping to ensure that their talents aren’t going to waste and the businesses are retaining many benefits.

Build Brand And Reputation

A variety of studies have shown that employees and customers are far more loyal to those organizations which demonstrate value in diversity and the inclusion of persons with disabilities in the workplace. This reflects on the community as a whole. Evidence shows that inclusion is being considered far more often when awarding contracts and tenders to places of business.

Improved Marketing And Customer Retention

Employees with disabilities can help businesses to better understand clients and or customers with disabilities and what they may require. It can give a business a leading edge over other places of business. Additionally, workplaces will reflect that diversity is important to the greater community and the greater satisfaction of the customers as a whole.

By choosing people with disabilities, a business can ensure that its team reflects the community wherein it operates. Persons with disabilities will be able to bring a wide array of skills to the table and with their talents and abilities, they can lend a new perspective to the place of business.

Mitigate Risk

Per research on persons with disabilities, they have far lower absenteeism and a lower turnover rate as well as a lower incidence of injury at the workplace. This can in turn bring a more cost-effective measure to businesses. Organizations that build the capability for inclusion will reduce the risk of injury and complaints. They will also be far less likely to breach the law.

Beyond CSR

Advocates for persons of disabilities focus on fulfilling corporate social responsibility. They agree that it’s vital to the integrity of the company and that there are many financial benefits to the practice.

Using internal employee data to create plans to help support diversity as well as equality will go far in helping to ensure this practice.

Applicants living with disabilities are an untapped sector of employees that many businesses tend to overlook. However, such applicants often have degrees and skills that are an asset to the business and businesses should consider hiring such persons with disabilities to fulfill their employment requirements.

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