Business Card Printing

American psycho is an iconic movie, it is a cult classic that delves deep into the insecurities of the human mind. One of its most memorable scenes however is not related to the bloody mess that the entire movie was, in fact, it was about 4 men at the executive level bragging about their business cards and how lux actually their designs are.

This 2-minute scene tells us about how business cards are seen and valued at the corporate level and even though the movie is decades old that scene still somehow seems to be relevant. We are still unable to find a better way than presenting a business card whenever there is a need to introduce ourselves and make an acquaintance in the corporate scene. When it comes to business card printing there are many design elements that need to be incorporated if you are looking for an ultimate impact.  

The importance of business cards

Business cards are one of the must-haves printed materials every business should possess. A well-designed business card does not only provide your customers with ways to contact you they can very well serve a marketing purpose as well and help you in attracting new customers.

Like everything else, your business card is an extension of your organization and it will be used to judge you as an organization. A business card with a lackluster design will come off as lazy and unattractive and will make your organization look unprofessional. There might be millions of business cards floating around however only those will be preferred whose designs were able to grasp the user’s attention.

The business card printing process is an important aspect of your overall business stationery and there are many things that need to be top-notch if you are looking for the final design to have that ultimate impact.

The following is a brief guide that might assist you in the business card printing process:

The initial stages of an optimal business card design

As we have already discussed that your business cards will be seen as an extension of you, so before finalizing your designs for business card printing make sure that the selected design forms a clear connection between your organization and the final printed material.

The two crucial elements that help form that connection is the logo and the color schemes. After all the ultimate objective is to make that final design visually appealing. These two elements will further help in enhancing the brand if they are carefully incorporated into your business card designs. We all know how influential logos are in any branding strategy and there is absolutely no place where they cannot fit. The color scheme, typography, or a combination of them that you use also help a lot in building your brand’s identity.

Know yourself

This is another very crucial stage before you finalize a design for business card printing. For a message to be successfully delivered and understood it is imperative for the person who sends the message to have clarity of what he/she is trying to say or wants to convey. Business cards are a very good means to convey your designation, where you come from, and your contact details but they are not just that.

A business card can portray a lot more if you put a little emphasis on its design along with the sense of clarity of what actually you want your business cards to say. This will also help you locate and eliminate the irrelevant things that might confuse the users.  

It has to be the right shape: 

Now, conventionally we all envision a business card to be in a rectangular shape with cardboard-type paper. However, there is no rule or obligation that a business card has to be in a shape that is only a rectangle. Over the years as we have seen professional business card printing services try out newer printing techniques and explore newer shapes that have made the final output become a masterpiece.

Exploring newer shapes and designs like intricate cut-outs can make you look like you belong to the future and that you are not afraid to allow the process of creativity and innovation to take over. These newer designs will also help you stand out among other simple design business cards. This type of design also encourages interaction from the receivers which helps in enhancing your organization’s memorability.

Trendy fonts, typography, and designs

Another way through which you can make your stationery especially your business cards stand out is by using trendy fonts, typography, and designs. Now we all know that a trend could be anything like during the 80’s futuristic designs was quite the rage or during the 2010s where minimalism was very much appreciated. Implementing these trendy designs and fonts enhances the visual appeal of your business cards ten folds.
