In the late 19th century when the Los Angeles Tribune name was first introduced to the National News ethos Grover Cleveland was President of the United States, The first train load of oranges left Los Angeles via the transcontinental railroad and the Statue of Liberty was officially dedicated. Fast forward about one hundred and thirty five years and to say that the world has changed substantially would be an understatement let alone the news and media world. According to Pew Research Center newspaper circulation has been steeply declining for the better part of two decades and in 2021 hit an all time low. The future is obvious, the industry is a dying breed. With the wave of digital media the once coveted world of print media is on it’s last dying legs and thus a new wave of leaders are stepping up to adapt to the modern world that is moving at a speed we have never seen before.

Today we are picking the brain of a thought leader who can see things few are able to see in business the CEO of the Los Angeles Tribune and delving into how he was able to use the power of the brand name to adapt to a modern market. After a storied career in the Entertainment Industry he entered the investing world and hit strides. He also serves the Business Outreach Chair for a brand of TIE which has made a global impact for decades and is responsible for the funding of well over ten thousand startups around the world. We hope to offer value to our readers with insights and find out why Forbes called Moe Rock the “Maverick of Media” with our exclusive below.

Q: Thank you for being with us. In addition to the responsibilities of most news agencies your organization also is doing things no other news agency does. You seem to have divisions that are prevalent in the Personal Development and Leadership space which is unusual for a news and media company, what is the motivation for this pivot?

A: My pleasure. I believe the word News must be redefined. We live in a world in which that word brings up a lot of emotions and opinions. Our goal is to change the way people think of news. I often ask the question of why it is that news must far too often be sombering,fearful and negative? What would the world look like if news was empowering? This is the essence of the direction we are taking.

Q: Last year you teamed up with Roku TV to offer programming on over fifty million devices around the world. As a local news agency are you worried this will take the focus off of Los Angeles and you will lose touch of the local culture?

A: We will never lose the history or heritage of the city or our company regardless of what we do. We know that historically the city of Los Angeles has always influenced the world whether it be through Hollywood, Music, Fashion or Journalism.

Q: What are the most exciting things on the horizon for the LA Tribune?

A: Continuing to redefine news. We have recently partnered with Adora Evans Productions to bring about the new Psychology of Winning Tour which is themed around the work of Denis Waitley. We are bringing together icons and legends in the space of Personal and Business development and creating a moment in history with the likes of Bob Proctor and Les Brown.

Moe Team

Q: When it comes to business success in today’s marketplace what are some words of advice you can give aspiring entrepreneurs or business owners in today’s changing climate?

A: Although it may not sound practical at first, my advice is to remember the words of Socrates when he said If you are not growing, you are decaying. It is much more than a quote, it is a way of life and a way to move in business. If you are not learning something new about your industry everyday believe me a competitor somewhere is. And in today’s world you may not even know what city or country that potential competitor is in so all the more reason to focus on organizational growth and surround yourself with the right people. I only surround myself around heart centered leaders that are focused on growth.

Q: We noticed you have a book called the “Leadership Codes” slated to be released next year. What can people expect from the book?

A: Universal principles that in many cases can be traced back to thousands of years ago that are as important for today as they were back then. My mission is to take these principles and help CEOs and leaders adapt them and realise that as leaders of people they have a sacred responsibility.

Q: Thank you for your time. Any final messages you wish to share with our readers?

A: My pleasure. Let us remember our responsibilities to our communities, our planet and each other while we are on our business journey. Please remember the words of Buckminister Fuller when he said that integrity is the essence of everything successful.
