Photo by Alex Green:

Your chances of landing a job interview after applying are 1 out of 7. So, when you do get a one you better make it count.

How do you ensure that you are prepared and make a great first impression? Bringing everything you need with you fulfills both of these needs.

Read on to find out what to bring to a job interview to be the one that gets hired.

Several Resume Copies

Your first step in job interview preparation is to print out several copies of your resume. Although you sent one to the hiring manager, it is your responsibility to make sure everyone on the interview committee has the most recent resume that you created using a free online resume builder.

Portfolio or Samples

In addition to your resume, bring along with you samples of your work that are relevant to the job. Be sure to organize them as a complete portfolio or in a separate folder for each interviewer to view.

Samples are the best way to display your skills. They act as proof of your talents rather than simply stating them on your resume.

Questions About the Position

Job interview questions are a necessary part of your interview. Be prepared with them written down or typed out.

They show your interest in the position as well the institution. Detailed questions about the company also represent your preparation for understanding your role and how the business functions.

Notepad and Pen

Be a diligent interviewee by writing down important details about the position. The hiring manager will be impressed by your attention, and it will help you remember anything that was not included in the job description.

Reference List

To land a job you need people to vouch for your skills and personality. A reference list is sometimes included with your job application or resume, but it is best to bring this list along with you to the interview. It will so your confidence in your reputation.

Job Description

A new job can change from the time you applied for it to the point of interviewing. Bring along the original job description to note any discrepancies or alterations in the job. Ask questions and refer back to the job description to get clarification.


All of these job interview skills will go to waste if they are not organized. Use a briefcase or folder to sort all of your paperwork. The last thing you want to do is lose items or go searching through a stack of papers during your interview.

Use a What to Bring to a Job Interview Checklist

The best way to know what to bring to a job interview is to make a list. Then prepare these items at least a day in advance so you have time to research the job and organize your paperwork.

Check out our business section for more career advice.
